Our Progress

Mission Zero is Businesses for Climate Action’s key initiative for business engagement. It prioritises emissions reduction as core to its purpose.

Mission Zero connects businesses with the knowledge, tools, skills, networks and collaborations they need as they take steps towards emission reductions and a climate positive future.

Mission Zero is both a brand and a call to action. It activates our vision to energise and support the Te Tauihu business community on their journey towards zero carbon.

Visit Mission Zero
Volunteer hours given annually from 40+ people
Local businesses measure carbon footprint (Feb 2022)*
*Data based on a survey of businesses conducted in partnership with Nelson Tasman Chamber of Commerce and Nelson Regional Development Agency, Feb 2022



Low-carbon Commute Initiative profiled on front page of Nelson Mail / Stuff
Image (L-R): Adrienne Kozlowski(Tonkin + Taylor), Bruce Gilkison (Mission Zero), Daniela Stringer (Sealord), Annabel Scaife (Sealord), Shannon Holroyd (Port Nelson), Robyn Munro (Nelmac Kūmānu), Natalie Gilberd (Mission Zero) , Katrina Taylor-Hewitt (Cawthron Institute), Marta Karlik-Neale (Mission Zero)


Awarded Nelson City Council funding for Green Commute Initiative


Countdown To Zero Workshop 02 (in-person)
Image: Countdown To Zero participants workshop carbon emissions (L-R) Mathew Hay (Fineline Architecture), Kristi Bensemann (Nelson Builders), Adrian Ferris (Nelson Airport), Dave Perry (AgFirst), Josh Leenhouwers (Ekos) / Image Tim Cuff


Countdown To Zero Carbon Clinic 04 (drop-in)
Organised Green Drinks event
Image: Taking part in Mission Zero’s early morning convoy from Nelson to the first day of Marlborough’s Climate Action Week, from left, Anne Michelle, Bruce Gilkison, Tony Bowater, Mat Hay, Kate Wilkinson, Marta Karlik-Neale, Lucy Byrne, Natalie Gilberd, Yachal Upson / Image John-Paul Pochin (Light Limited)



Countdown To Zero Carbon Clinic 03 (drop-in)
Organised Green Drinks event
Image: Mission Zero celebrates the end of year by sharing Green Drinks with friends


'Journey To Zero' presentation delivered as a part of the Nelson Tasman Chamber of Commerce's 2023 Global Entrepreneurship Week


Countdown To Zero Carbon Clinic 02 (online) includes Understanding the Sustainability Landscape presentation given by Daniela Ramirez, Nelson City Council


Countdown To Zero Carbon Clinic 01 (online): Recap on the Carbon Footprint Spreadsheet


Stuff talks to Countdown To Zero participants about key challenges
Launch of the first Countdown To Zero workshop
Countdown To Zero profiled on Stuff
Image: Countdown To Zero participants Harrison Saunders and Jade Thurcotte learn how to measure their carbon emissions / Image Tim Cuff
Participants (L-R) Harrison Saunders and Jade Thurcotte learn how to measure their carbon emissions


Nathan Edmonston's passivhaus receives 10 Homestar rating and is profiled on Stuff
Mission Zero website refreshed
Image: Nelson couple Nathan Edmondston and Yuki Fukuda and their daughter Miyu Edmondston. Image: Braden Fastier / Stuff



Participates in panel discussion for Nelson Tasman Chamber of Commerce event


Facilitates panel discussion for Institute of Directors event
Appoints Lead Activator for communications and engagement
Image: Institute of Directors panel discussion between (L-R) Miranda James – Head of Corporate Responsibility at ASB, Venus Guy (CMInstD) – Independent Director, Doug Paulin (MInstD) – CEO of Sealord, Katrina Kidson (MInstD) – Chair of Mission Zero and Businesses for Climate Action


Holds ‘Let’s get Carbon Moving’ (Carbon & Coffee) CLP activation event
Image: Former Chief Action Officer Jodie Kuntzsch promotes Coffee and Carbon drop-in event


Launches Climate Leaders Programme, monthly meetings follow
Image: Climate Leaders (L-R) Abbie Tebbutt (Chia Sisters) and Caitlin Attenburrow (Pics Peanut Butter) showcase their Fill-up Fridays campaign project


Releases Mission Insights (podcast) Episode 01
Releases Mission Insights 101 video
Surveys local businesses in partnership with the Nelson Tasman Chamber of Commerce and Nelson Regional Development Agency
Activates Mission Zero communications channels
Launches Mission Zero at Nelson Pine Business Awards with follow-on media coverage (Stuff: 1 Mar, 30 Mar)
Image: Former Chief Action Officer Jodie Kuntzsch presents first Mission Insight

Jan - Mar

Prototypes Mission Zero



Establishes independence as an Incorporated Charitable Trust

Oct - Dec

Plans strategy for Mission Zero


Wins highly coveted Sustainable Business Network Communicating For Impact Award

The judges commented: “The Businesses for Climate Action campaign has been a model for other regions across Aotearoa to collaborate and include a widening circle of businesses…”


Presents COP26 Climate Action Workshop in collaboration with the British High Commission Wellington and the Sustainable Business Network
Presents Wao Summit Pecha Kucha


Presents webinar looking at insurance and banking retreat and what it means for Te Tauihu attended by Engineers and Architects


Appoints Chief Action Officer


Aspire Conference contributor - workshop session and information stand


Funding from NCC confirmed over three year term


Finalist placement in the 2021 Eelco Boswijk Awards


Presents to Food & Beverage audience
Presents Climate Action Toolbox workshop alongside the Sustainable Business Network
Image: Businesses for Climate Action Food & Beverage Event at Pic’s Peanut Butter World, March 2021



Workshop on local responses to sea level rise attended by 120 Engineers, Architects and other interested people



Two seminars presented by Energy Activation group alongside EECA in Nelson. JS Ewers attend and are later awarded $4.08M from EECA to support their energy transformation


Establishment and launch of regular Activation group meetings, including:
Food & Beverages, Fleet Management, Tourism, and Energy


Delayed online launch of Businesses for Climate Action


In-person launch of Businesses for Climate Action postponed due to Covid-19 lockdown


Stacey Fellows, Ellie Young and Bruce Gilkison join the initial founding group


Connections made with numerous businesses and organisations, including Councils, Nelson Tasman Chamber of Commerce, Nelson Regional Development Agency, Nelson Tasman Climate Forum, Zero Carbon Nelson Tasman, Te Tauihu Intergenerational Strategy, Wakatū Inc, Project Kōkiri, Nelson Tasman Innovation Neighbourhood, along with many like-minded national organisations
‘Measure your footprint’ events continue all year



End of year event held to celebrate the national SBN awards as well as local progress
Launch of Businesses for Climate Action website


Setting and promotion of aspirational goal to encourage 1,000 Te Tauihu businesses measure their emissions, with support provided to achieve this


Initial founding of ‘Businesses for Climate Action’ group by Chloe Van Dyke, Katrina Kidson, Claire Keeling, Florence Van Dyke and Johny O’Donnell in response to the focus on climate change in Te Tauihu Intergenerational Strategy
First of many ‘Measure your footprint’ events for businesses held through the Nelson Tasman Chamber of Commerce
Image: Some members of the Start-up Team (L-R: Florence, Chloe, Katrina, Claire, Bruce, Stacey, Ellie), November 2020

Learn more. Take action. Visit Mission Zero

Visit Mission Zero